Monday, August 13, 2012

FORE! It’s more than just a number

Last September I was checking the golf course following a warm, dry day. During my return back to the maintenance building, I was hit in the chest by a golf ball . It was a tee ball from #1 tee. I was not visible to the golfer and cannot blame him for the hit. After 20+ years on a golf course, it was my first ‘hit’. It caused a nice bruise. But it also made me wonder ‘what if’ the ball had struck me 12” higher and in the face.

Earlier this season, two OGC members were victims of an errant golf ball and both suffered head trauma. Every season, I learn of ‘close calls’ from the Grounds and Greens Staff. We train employees to be aware of approaching golfers and to vacate the work area to protect themselves and allow the members and guests to play through. The other day, I came across a blog article from the Grass Goober (author unknown) that I’d like to share. Please take the time to read and understand the concerns. Maintaining the Oconomowoc Golf Club is a wonderful and rewarding opportunity. However, preventing injury from a golf ball is a two-way responsibility. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This career shouldn't be this dangerous

Having a career on a golf course means many things. Including a certain element of risk. But those risks should only be from pesticides, equipment, and mother nature. As I'm sitting here writing this blog, I'm having to wear sunglasses and type for a few minutes at a time or my vision gets blurry and my head starts pounding. Why you ask. This is about what happened to me on Monday August 6th 2012. The parts I remember anyway.

I remember being on the 4th green scouting helminthosporium with my spray tech Steve Scott when the next thing I know I wake up in his car on the way to the hospital. I got knocked out for almost 10 minutes by a golf ball. Over 48 hours later I still don't remember actually getting hit but Steve tells me that the golfer didn't yell fore nor did he bother to see if I was ok. The ball hit me in the side of the head above my right ear, less than 2 inches from my temple. Which more than likely would have killed me. The golf ball compressed when it hit my head and put a massive bruise on my brain giving me a grade 3 concussion and possibly permanent brain damage.

Here is what I have been going through ever since that golfer decided that I was in his way. I've had 2 CT scans, and scheduled for another next week. I can't go to work because bright lights and noise put me in unbearable pain. I'm talking a lot slower than I used to, sounding like I have a mental retardation. I'm having trouble saying what I am thinking. BUT besides all the pain I'm having, the absolute worst part is the amount of stress and worry this guy decided to put on my fiance. For those of you who know us, AJ has been there for me from the moment she got to the hospital. Staying up all night to make sure she wouldn't have to rush me back to the hospital because my condition worsened. Having to take me to the bathroom and putting me in the shower while I was getting my balance back. The doctors seem to think that after the massive bruise on my brain starts to heal that I will make a full recovery. They are saying that I have a 90-95% chance of not having permanent brain damage. We will find out next week on that.

I've been asked if I'm going to sue this guy or press chargers. No. Once I found out who did it, it made that decision even easier. I know he has 3 children and I'm not going to let his stupidity ruin their childhood. But since I have complete power here, his membership has been revoked from all the properties. And once I start feeling better I'm going to make it my mission to black ball him from playing golf in this area again.

The question that has to be asked is WHY? Why couldn't you yell, whistle, or drive up and let us know you where there? Would you hit that shot if another golfer were standing on that green? Better yet, what if that worker you see was your own child? Would you still hit that shot, or would you let them clear the green? If you answer no you wouldn't hit if I had been a golfer or your child, then why would you hit at me when I clearly wasn't looking your direction? People working on a golf course will get out of your way when given half a chance, but you need to have a little patience as well. I got lucky, I could just as easily not be writing about this right now.

I would like to thank all my family and friends for all their support to AJ and myself. I'll be back to my old self before you know it. FYI it took me almost 6 hours to write this.

Posted by Grassgoober at 3:47 PM